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发布时间:2024-06-22 19:48浏览次数:
本文摘要:Microsoft tumbled to a $3.2bn net loss in the latest quarter, the worst in its history, as it struggled to put the failed acquisition of Nokia’s handset business and a slump in the PC market behind it.上一财季微软公司(Microsoft)袭港32亿美元净亏损,为公司历史上业绩


Microsoft tumbled to a $3.2bn net loss in the latest quarter, the worst in its history, as it struggled to put the failed acquisition of Nokia’s handset business and a slump in the PC market behind it.上一财季微软公司(Microsoft)袭港32亿美元净亏损,为公司历史上业绩最差劲的一个财季。该公司仍无法挣脱并购诺基亚(Nokia)手机业务这一败笔以及个人电脑(PC)市场下降带给的影响。

The results were also weighed down by the rise of the US dollar, which wiped out any growth in its core commercial division and ate into the gross profit margin.微软公司的业绩还受到美元贬值的后遗症。美元贬值完全抹去了该公司核心商业部门的快速增长,还风化了毛利率。Microsoft still managed to top Wall Street’s downbeat revenue and earnings expectations, thanks largely to a jump in sales of its Surface tablet and Xbox games console.不过,微软公司的营收和利润要优于华尔街乐观的预期,这主要是因为其Surface平板电脑和Xbox游戏机的销售有大幅度快速增长。

But shares in the world’s biggest software company fell nearly 4 per cent to $45.45 in after-market trading, reversing some of their recent gains, as investors remained wary about its ability to use newer services to make up for the decline in other businesses.但在盘后交易中,世界仅次于软件公司的股价还是暴跌了近4%,至每股45.45美元,抹掉了近期的部分涨幅。投资者者仍在担忧,微软公司能否用新的服务填补其他业务的下降。Satya Nadella, chief executive, sought to consign the red ink to the past as he claimed that Microsoft was seeing rapid growth from investments in new markets like the cloud. He also said that revenue from new services like Office 365 would make up for the more modest targets Microsoft has set for itself in the all-important mobile market.微软公司首席执行官萨蒂亚纳德拉(Satya Nadella)企图劝说人们坚信,该公司亏损的阶段早已过去。

他声称,微软公司看见公司对“云”等新的市场的投资快速增长。他还回应,Office 365等新的服务贡献的营收,可协助微软公司在至关重要的移动市场构建其为自身原作的较保守目标。“The big shift we’re making about phones is not to think about phones on a standalone basis,” Mr Nadella said on an analyst call on Tuesday.“我们在手机领域作出的根本性转变,是不从孤立无援的角度看来手机业务,”纳德纳在周二的分析师电话会议上回应。

The latest figures were blighted by $8.4bn in one-off charges, including $7.5bn from a writedown of assets acquired from Nokia and the rest from restructuring charges. Microsoft revealed the giant writedown earlier this month when it announced 7,800 job cuts and cut back its ambitions for the smartphone business.微软公司上一财季业绩受到了84亿美元重复使用费用的拖垮,其中还包括对从诺基亚并购的资产减记75亿美元,其余部分为重组费用。本月早些时候,微软公司透露了这笔极大的减记,宣告裁员7800人,并发散了在智能手机业务上的志向。A collapse in PC sales this year has served to undermine the licensing revenue that has long been the main foundation of Microsoft business, leaving it increasingly dependent on hardware sales and a shift to commercial cloud revenues. Though growing 88 per cent in the latest quarter to top $2bn, these are still less than 10 per cent of overall sales.长期以来,软件许可证收益仍然是微软公司业务的主要基石。

今年PC销售滑坡拖垮了微软公司的这块收益,造成它日益倚赖硬件销售和转而挖出商业云收益。尽管商业云收益在最近一个季度快速增长了88%、突破了20亿美元,但它仍只占到微软公司总销售额的将近10%。Sales of software licences to PC makers fell by 22 per cent, with both Windows and Office suffering from a decline in shipments of new machines that research firm Gartner put at 9.5 per cent in the latest quarter. The fall-off has followed a temporary jump in PC sales in 2014, which was prompted by the ending of Microsoft’s support for the Windows XP operating system. PC sales were also dented as customers waited for next week’s launch of Windows 10.PC制造商贡献的软件许可证收益上升了22%,Windows和Office皆受到新的PC发货量下降冲击。

研究公司低德纳(Gartner)回应,上一财季新的PC发货量增加了9.5%。2014年,PC销售量经常出现过一段时间下降,这是因为微软公司完结了对Windows XP操作系统的反对。另外,用户在等候下周Windows 10公布,这也诱导了PC的销售量。

Overall, Microsoft’s revenues fell 5 per cent, to $22.2bn, with a net loss of $3.2bn, compared to net income of $4.6bn the year before. On the pro-forma basis on which Wall Street assesses the company, earnings per share rose to 62 cents from 56 cents a year ago, and ahead of the 58 cents most analysts had expected.总体上,微软公司营收上升了5%,至222亿美元,净亏损32亿美元,上年同期则构建了46亿美元净利润。预估每股收益从上年同期的56美分提升至62美分,低于多数分析师预测的58美分。



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