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发布时间:2024-06-16 19:48浏览次数:
本文摘要:Chinese scientists have defined a subset of a type of virus-specific cells that could pave the way for new ways to treat chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS and cancer, Xinhua News Agency reported last Saturday.据新华社上周六报导,中国科学家说明了了一群新的CD8+T细胞亚类,


Chinese scientists have defined a subset of a type of virus-specific cells that could pave the way for new ways to treat chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS and cancer, Xinhua News Agency reported last Saturday.据新华社上周六报导,中国科学家说明了了一群新的CD8+T细胞亚类,这一找到将有助为艾滋病、癌症等慢性病毒感染的化疗获取新方法。Nature magazine published online a research paper, claiming that virus-specific cells, CD8+T, are able to control viral replication in both animal models and HIV infections.《大自然》杂志公开发表的一篇研究成果中认为,CD8+T细胞亚类能诱导动物模型和艾滋病病毒感染的病毒拷贝。CD8+T cells were found to deplete during chronic viral infections in past research but could curtail acute viral infections by secreting antiviral cytokine that could eliminate the viruses, Ye Lilin, co-author of the paper and professor at the Third Military Medical University, told Xinhua.该研究论著的年出版者、第三军医大学的叶丽林教授在拒绝接受新华社专访时讲解称之为:“此前的研究找到,在慢性病毒感染过程中,CD8+T细胞经常出现“功能耗尽”的现象;但是在急性病毒感染中,该细胞分泌抗病毒细胞因子从而有效地清理病毒。


”However, research findings showed that a subset of CD8+T cells was largely able to curtail viral replication in animal models and HIV infections.不过,研究结果找到,在动物模型以及艾滋病病毒感染中,CD8+T细胞亚类依然能在相当大程度上诱导病毒的拷贝。Researchers also found the subset that offers higher anti-viral potential than previously known, showing greater therapeutic potential, Xinhua reported.据新华社报导,研究人员还找到,该类细胞群不具备的抗病毒能力相比之下高达人们未知的水平,表明出有更大的化疗潜力。

Through certain means, to increase and stabilize the type of cells can strengthen their virus-purging ability, thus providing new possibilities for cures, Ye said.叶教授回应:“通过一定的手段,减少和平稳这一类细胞,可以强化其清理病毒的功能,这就为医治疾病获取了新的有可能。”Current therapies can only contain the viral replication, but can not purge them completely in chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS.目前,化疗艾滋等慢性病毒感染造成的疾病,化学药物不能在一定程度上诱导病毒拷贝,尚能无法完全根治。Chinese researchers will now use the findings to further conduct research into immunotherapy in cancer and HIV, Ye said.叶教授透漏,下一步,中国研究人员将把这一近期研究成果运用到癌症和艾滋的免疫治疗研究中。



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